Sunday, August 12, 2012

July 2012

Jane has really enjoyed playing make-believe the last few months.  And since she reads a lot, a majority of her 'pretend' activities stem from re-creating stories from her book.  Here she is Princess Mariana who is trying to save Mermaid Kingdom from the Mean Old Octopus (daddy) who is throwing garbage into the ocean and making the mermaids sick.  We re-enacted this scene at least 37 times in a 20 minute period.  But it's so cute to see her imagination at work!

An artist in the family - she loves painting pictures for everyone!

Enjoying a little R&R with Grandpaul...

I love this picture of them

Another special trip to Coney Island pool.  Luke has found that his love of bananas is seriously being rivaled by his unquenching love for watermelon.  He ate his entire container in front of him and the rest of everyone else's as well!

A lollipop for a special pool treat!

Enjoying the rides - Jane looks dangerous and Luke is looking for an exit

Making special Mickey Mouse pancakes with Nana

The chocolate chips for eyes/nose might have something else to do with it too!

Very proud of her creation

As per usual, it takes Luke a little while to really warm up to things.  Aunt Katie doesn't mind and sneaks in hugs/kisses whenever she can!

June 2012

Before the ridiculous sweltering temperatures, we enjoyed our newest purchase - a bike trailer - nearly every night!  It took them awhile to get used to the close quarters, but eventually they got used to it.

A close-up shot.  Luke making sure Jane isn't creeping too much into his space, and Jane giving her best smile.  She insists on wearing that Elmo sock hat "to keep the hair out her eyes".  I offered her 15 different options, and of course she refused those.  But then would loudly and defiantly shout "I hot mommy"....the endless circle....

Rochester's annual Round Barn festival took place again this June, highlighted (for us) by the Round Barn parade.  I have honestly never quite been to a parade like this before.  Not only did it go on for well over an hour (an hour people!!), but there was every kind of float and animal and vehicle possible.  Since this was her first parade, Jane wasn't quite sure of the whole program, but once she realized it was candy they were throwing, she was all in.  Naturally, her goal was to get every single piece.  Here she is - a woman on a mission.

Sno-cones were handed out at this parade.  Sno-cones!!

Lots of time this summer in our backyard pool.  It's pretty much just a glorified bath for the kids, but they love it nonetheless. 

LOVE this picture of her.

Water was a little cold for Mr. Luke, but a little shout out to the camera.

His eyes are so captivating to me.  I know I'm his mother, but seriously - they are gorgeous!

Another fun trip down to Nky in June for an extended weekend, highlighted by the inaugural trip to Coney Island.  Not sure at first what it was (a kids' dream they soon learned), the kids now can't stop talking about "wimming at Toney Eye-yand".  Here is Jane with a new suit and matching sunglasses from Nana.  She honestly has the knobbiest knees I've ever seen!

Luke enjoying his picnic lunch at the pool!

Still Trying to Get Caught Up....May 2012

Jane and I traveled to Nky for a "dirls own-wee" (girls only) weekend for a bridal shower for my cousin's fiance.  Here we are the day of the shower, fresh from getting hair cuts!

Jane and Aunt Tatie.  She lovers Aunt Tatie very much.

Luke started something very new (and brave) this month - he learned that he could lay back in the bathtub and practice "swimming"....which was more like flailing around the tub and then sitting up and laughing at us.  He is so strong that it would sometimes take both of us to control him.  Pathetic, I know.  And scary that he is only 16 months...

Notice how his hair is severely swept to the left side - due in part to the fact that he would spin - barrel-roll-like, and come up for air with his hair all askew.  The boy has NO FEAR.

Big sis of course wanted to try it too, except she would only ever lay her head back this far.  Apparently, she has a healthy sense of fear...