Friday, June 3, 2011


Inspired by Emily and Jackson's recent trip to their library, Evan and I decided to check out the new children's section of our library. We were SO impressed! Jane had a great time, being the book aficionado that she is, but it was evident to us right away that she is desperate for friends. OK, desperate may be strong, but she was more intrigued by all the kids there, not the books. Maybe next trip we'll have more luck with the whole reading part. And, being the dorky parents we are, we took pictures the entire time!

Jane meeting her new friend Jordan instantly upon arriving Literally followed her to every section of the library. The hands-clasped, down-near-her-knees, and slight bending at the waist has become her go-to move to show excitement.

Jordan inviting her into the playhouse. I promise she insists on wearing her socks like that. She pulls them up when we pull them down. Pick your battles, right?

She wanted to drag this huge ladybug pillow over to the more spacious part of the play area. She wasn't happy with it's current location. It's amazing how much of Evan's personality is shining through these days....... :)

Jordan and Jane, just talking about life.

Taking the convo to a more comfortable place

Another followed victim, er, friend.

Luke also enjoyed the library, but in a more passive way.

May Miscellaneous

Cub's #1 fan. "Mom, don't take my picture before I put my lipstick on!"I love this picture of our family!
I got to visit my friend Angela, and her new son, Leo! He is only 6 weeks old in this picture! Check out that hair - he has more than me!

Baby Leo. I forget how little they can be early on.

By contrast, check out my Little Luke on the very day I was in Indy. All smiles!

We were organizing the basement one day and came across this winter suit and Jane was insisting we put it on Luke. I'm thinking about Ralphy from "A Christmas Story".

I don't know who doesn't want to be in this picture more - her or him.


So, apparently what is very popular these days amongst kiddos (babies), is to hang out in each others' cribs. Or at least at my house anyway. Jane and Luke both love playing with one another in their cribs, and they seem to stay content for quite some time.

Here is a picture of time recently spent in Jane's crib. A couple of things to note: first, I told Jane to "smile" in this picture and this is the look she gave me. We may need to work on a smile that doesn't look painful. Second, I love Luke's Napoleon-like hand, if only he were in a military get-up. And third, yes, she really does have that many stuffed animals in her crib. She lovers stuffed animals. She plays with them, sleeps with them, on them, around them and isn't phased by it one bit.Somewhat of a better smile...

Hanging out on the big bed. Luke gets a little surprised by the flash on my blackberry