Monday, February 15, 2010

Somehow I left this picture off the last post.....

9 Weeks Old

We took Jane to the doctor this morning for her 2 month appointment and thought it was a great time for an updated post! Jane is growing fast and weighed in at 10lbs 1 oz and measured 23 1/4 inches long. The doctor walked in and said "Jane looks great, but you guys need to stop pulling on her legs", teasing us as Jane shot up on the charts for length! She has been sleeping through the night (for a few weeks now) and normally allows us 6-7 hours of uninterrupted sleep, which has been pure bliss! Jane is smiling a lot and beginning to "talk" which we are loving. She is a very content baby, rarely cries, but is definitely developing a personality. She loves to kick her legs all around (I went to get her one morning and she had kicked off a blanket AND her pants!) and still is mesmerized by lights and looking out the windows. Her most recent discovery has been her hands, which she clenches into a fist and then tries to shove into her mouth. It is adorable and hilarious.

We enjoyed having my friend Jamie and her husband Andy in town this weekend for a visit. Jane loved being held and loved having her picture taken. Jamie is wonderful photographer and captured some great pics of Jane......

Happy Valentine's Day

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Pint Sized Fun

Evan and I are quicky learning that, as parents, we have the unique and unbelievable honor of being responsible for raising our daughter to become an outstanding citizen.

We have also learned that we are allowed to dress her in whatever clothing we would like....and she can't do anything about it. Yet.

Such is the case with the below set of pictures. I'm pretty sure some would consider this child abuse, but we like to consider it our weekly entertainment.

Yes, this is Jane dressed in a pseudo-ice cream cone outfit. The outfit was a gift and packaged in a pint sized "carton" of strawberry ice cream. It was absolutely adorable, but we're not convinced that Jane saw the humor in it like we did.

Sorry Jane, but I can promise this will not be the last of the ridiculous outfits.

So Long Sweetgum!

Last Friday afternoon, Evan and I had the pleasure of signing all the paperwork necessary to finalize the sale of our beloved Sweetgum house! We were thrilled to be turning our first home over to a wonderful young couple, but were rather nostalgic as we signed our names and handed over the keys. We loved our Sweetgum home, as it was a cozy house and treated us well as we started our lives together back in 2005. With the help of the world's greatest realtor, we had a great experience turning our home over to the next young couple who were super excited to be moving in. It was a great feeling to know they would take great care of it! And, I need to mention that the world's greatest realtor had a little bit of help....from the world's greatest sister (in-law). Leslie moved back to Rochester before the holidays and moved into the Sweetgum house. The very day she moved in was the day that our buyers called to see if they could see the house. Leslie's furniture and decorations made the Sweetgum house even more appealing and they were hooked right away! Now that's what I call Gottschalk teamwork! Goodbye Sweetgum!