Thursday, July 21, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a wonderful time over Memorial Day weekend visiting with my family in NKy. We had all of my mom's family in town for the Scheper Family Reunion (see above), and it was a great weekend!

Evan, master of the 'bonfire', and his little helper, KeeganI love this picture of Luke with my Grandma. He looks like he's up to something...
But I might love this picture even more!

Uncle Joel helping Luke get ready for bed

Jane loves the swing on my parents' porch, and loves her company in this picture even more!

Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for the day's events
Aunt Katie with Jane

Luke LOVES (understatement) the Baby Bjorn carrier, and Uncle Joe loved having him in it just as much. These 2 were inseparable all weekend. There were no complaints here!

Jane with cousin Abby at a cookout at Uncle Joel's house. Jane couldn't get enough of all-things Abby, and I think the feeling was mutual!