Well, we survived another weekend trek down to Nky to visit family and friends last weekend. We had a great time (minus the car ride, where Jane still cannot seem to be content for the 3+ hour car ride) and as always, it was great to catch up with everyone. Here are some of the highlights of our trip: - Evan and I enjoyed a kid-free day of shopping and errand-running. Sounds glorious, I know, but it was actually very fun for us both! - An evening meal with my siblings (sans Katie) and their spouses; and most of the time spent watching Keegan and Jane continuing to figure each other out. - A wonderful morning of Mass, a cemetary visit and breakfast with the majority of the Scheper clan to honor the 28th anniversary of my Grandpa's passing. The weather wasn't so hot, but it was great to honor such a wonderful man. I know he would be proud of all his family. - Saturday afternoon Evan and I took Jane to the Newport Aquarium - it was a very crowded day, but we weren't in a hurry, so we just relaxed and had a good time. Jane absolutely loved it - the very first tank we came to, she just kept giggling and giggling the whole time, which of course drew a crowd around us. I am sure we will be visiting the aquarium MANY more times! - Saturday evening we visited our friends Jamie and Andy and met their precious new baby girl, Clare. We enjoyed pizza and lots of laughing and catching up.
Luke enjoying Grandma Scheper

Practicing his whistling

Uncle Joel and Luke; I think Luke just barely weighs more

Jane reading to GrandPaul - she LOVES this book about a Little Blue Truck. She won't let us move past the yellow dump truck page, as she is pointing to it here

One of Jane's favorite fish, we couldn't get her away from this one

She definitely preferred the tanks that were at her level

Jane loves penguins and knows them by name. She has a fun penguin shirt, and one of her many books has penguins in it, so getting to see them "live" and then kissing this one, was pure bliss for her

Jamie holding Luke, me holding Clare; only 10 weeks apart!
Luke and Jane are so beautiful! I can't wait for them to meet Leo! And I can't wait for you and Ev to meet him too!