- Jane is getting a ton of teeth. For a girl who only had 2 teeth at 11 mos, she has nearly 9, with at least 3 others on the verge of popping through. Molar teething has been horrendous for us.
- Luke hit some very fun milestones this month, including rolling over to his side (his definite preferred position), smiling all the time, holding his head up very strongly, rollings his hands into fists and constantly sucking on them, and lastly following Jane with his eyes wherever she goes.
- Evan and I had a monumental month, capped off by locking our children in our van with the keys inside. Yes, we did. We have no idea how it happened, as we pulled into the garage, turned off the car, and both got out to each get a kid. I guess one of us accidentally hit the lock button and there we were on a Sunday morning with our kids locked in our van with no spare key. Luckily, Evan remembered the police can help (I have no idea how) and we only had to wait about 15 minutes. Neither kiddo seemed too traumatized, and surprisingly, neither parent did either.
- Luke seems plagued by the same issues with reflux that Jane had. The spitting up is more sporadic, but at times he seems more uncomfortable with it, which is a heartbreaker. Our hope is the more time he spends upright, the more comfortable he will become.
- Jane understands everything she hears. Everything. Her vocabulary is unbelievable, and yet she doesn't really talk. Well, she doesn't say things any of us understand. We can say one thing once and she remembers it. I have a feeling we are on the verge of a very bold, determined chatterbox.
- Jane has many obsessive/compulsive tendencies. Most telling are reading the same books over and over, not being able to walk past a ruffled/scrunched up blanket without fixing it to make it lay flat, putting certain toys in the location she remembers them to always be in, and recently, the most evident - her obsession to be outside at ALL TIMES. We cannot distract her from being outside, she stands at the door and whines; she walks over to us, grabs our hands, takes us to the coat closet, gives us her coat and stands there until you put it on. She has actually opened the door to the garage, walked down 2 concrete steps and walked out to the garage and eventually outside. The cold weather doesn't bother her and actually she really likes it. We cannot wait for the warmer weather! Here are some pictures from the last couple of weeks!
A fun trip to Ft Wayne, Jane's first Carousel ride. Nervous at first, then she loved it!

He is such a little handsome dude! Love the half-smile. I can't believe Jane has 9 teeth...and I agree that she is about to erupt into a chatterbox. That will be Sooo much fun!