As promised, some pictures capturing life at home these past 3 weeks. Enjoy!
Luke leaving the hospital
A favorite position for both Luke and Daddy 
Getting to know Papa. I think I heard something about Canada and fishing....
One of the many adorable outfits sent by Great-Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Connie. The shirt says "Chick Magnet". Too precious.
Luke in his Barcalounger
A close-up with eyes open. Another blue-eyed kid!
Spa time with Nana
Very relaxed after a fresh bath
Ready for a run. I mean, how adorable are these shoes?!
A smile for the camera!
Eat your heart out Michael Jordan
Finally getting to ride in her car outside with Grandpaul
Building her first snowman and loving it
Storytime with Papa and Daddy
Jane is obsessed with my spices. Most people have a spice rack, or spice drawer. I, however, have a spice cardboard box that my daughter loves.
She carries them around all the time. She favors Nutmeg and Rosemary.
Jane and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat! She loves this sweater so much, as you can tell by her face. This picture is kinda scary looking, but she was just excited we let her wear the sweater around the house.
There are no words for this picture - I just love it so much.
Another reading session with Nana

SO....what has Jane been up to this whole time, besides touching her brother?!
Check her out!

Those last two pictures are unbelievably adorable. What a doll. Luke is so handsome!