Life at home has changed dramatically for everyone, especially little Ms. Jane. She is doing very well at being a big sister, although it started off a bit rocky. She immediately understood who "Luke" was and has been extremely interested in all things Luke the past 2 weeks. At first, she was very whiney and had us both worried, but then about a week ago, her 2nd top tooth popped through her gums and she has been a whole new gal. She loves (loves is an absolute understatement) to touch her little brother and cannot walk past him in his bouncy seat, or laying on the ottoman without touching him. She picks up things she identifies as his (his stray sock, or blanket) and immediately "gives" them to him. And by "gives" I really mean kinda throws onto him. Normally this isn't a huge deal, except when she tries to share her toys, ie a large plastic school bus, with him and nearly knocks him out. Don't worry, my motherly instincts kicked in and I saw it coming before he had bruises on his face. She loves giving him kisses (translation: putting her forehead on his head) and we are still patiently working on the concept of "gentle". At first she cried whenever he cried, but has now learned that he is ok and just getting his diaper changed or needing to be held. We have been very impressed so far with how she has handled the transition to her new role, and we are taking bets that her first word is "Luke". Although very sleep-deprived, Evan and I are enjoying the 2 of them and think they will be great playmates....well, most of the time anyway!
First day home from the hospital - already lots of touching

She especially loves the head region for touching
She can't seem to get enough, even when he is out of reach and sleeping!
Still touching...

She did not like when mommy told her to "be gentle".
She is very much interested in sitting in Luke's froggy seat, sometimes even when he is in it.

First thing on Jane's to-do list in the morning: find Luke and touch him.
We tried our best for this staged picture, but Jane wasn't really in a sharing mood

She did not like when mommy told her to "be gentle".

First thing on Jane's to-do list in the morning: find Luke and touch him.

Although this picture is blurry, it is one of my favorites. A rare time we actually let her "hold" him and she seems happy, and ironically, so does he!
Do you think we have a little OCD developing here? I know that I have certain things I must do within my's nice to see Jane's involves being sweet to her brother. I love her face in the reprimanded picture. Hilarious. Very excited that this is the week I get to meet Luke and see all of you!