We just got Jane's 12-month pictures back and wanted to post them as soon as we could. The studio here in Rochester doesn't do electronic copies for copyright purposes, but they did put some of the ones we purchased up on Facebook for me to get electronically. Although most babies are just learning to stand and walk at their 12-month appointment, Jane would not stand still (shocking!) so the only pics we could get were of her sitting and "posing". She is
very aware of cameras and did surprisingly well. Here were a few of our favorites!

We loved the way her face looked in this picture; so innocent!

This was one of my favorites, as this is the way she smiles and laughs these days, with her nose all crinkled up like that!

She could not get enough of this white bench. She put her arm on the backside of it and wouldn't let us take it down. Just practicing waiting for the bus I guess!

She loves to cross her ankles! She does it naturally (recall her 6-month picture when she was standing with one foot crossed over the other?!) and I have no idea where she picked it up. Must be comfortable for her. I know, I know, more cardigan sweaters! I just cannot resist; I thought this plum color looked ravishing on her!
Em, I love having these pictures all up here so I can see them all (since I couldn't HAVE them all). We had such a great time with you guys. Hope to see you again very soon.