We cannot believe that Jane is already 1 year old! The past 12 months have flown by (as I suppose they always do), and we enjoyed celebrating Jane a few weeks ago! It's hard to believe she has passed this milestone and is already onto more. She had such a good time on her birthday; she was happy and smiling all day long, almost as if she knew the day was for her. Thanks to all of our family and friends who could come and share such a fun day with us.
With Evan's mom's help, I was able to bake and decorate some yummy birthday cakes!
A special individual chocolate cake for the birthday gal
Jane was an active participant in opening her gifts; after each one, she would hug the present and then move on to the next
Very interested in reading (chewing) on each of the cards she received
The birthday gal was very festively dressed in her tutu, beads, and her princess hat. But I think she was more interested in Keegan's pacifier
Jane's new car from mommy and daddy; she LOVES this thing
She also loves "So Big" - it always elicits a smile and laugh
I'm not sure if it's the candle or the icing that has her fascinated. Or the 2nd ridiculous hat of the day that she allowed me to put on her. (Thanks to Aunt Meagan for decorating her high chair!)
A little timid at first....
...but definitely a fan of her chocolate cake
What a ham! Very pleased with herself

All done! Only slightly messy
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