Jane has brought so much joy to our lives since she was born, but just recently we have loved watching her grow up and explore new things. She loves being a big sister and always wants to "help" Luke and hold his hand, much to the frustration of Luke. She loves to read and continues to try to communicate with us as best as she can. We are amazed at how genuinely kind and happy Jane seems all the time, and are so proud of her.
In true Jane fashion, she decided she wanted to potty train earlier than we were prepared for, around 20 months. It is going very well, considering she still can't talk, and loves her "accomplishments". Through her potty training and other activities, we have seen a new side of her really shining through: her obsessive-compulsive side. Here are a few examples of what I mean: she won't put her sippy cup on our coffee table without putting a coaster down (we did NOT teach her this), after going potty she has to fold her toilet paper in a specific manner before using it (also not taught), she won't leave her potty chair until the lid is closed, she won't lay down on a changing pad/blanket until all the edges/corners are laying flat, and just recently I witnessed her run to get something, and knocked over a small toy suitcase in the process - she stopped running and went back to put the suitcase back right-side up, before continuing on. The unique part is that she doesn't lose her temper or get upset when things aren't in their right spot, she just calmly and casually fixes them until she is pleased with the outcome.
I have been able to take some really great pictures of Jane recently on my blackberry and wanted to post them here!
Jane absolutely loves putting on all my shoes, especially my high heels. She actually walks pretty well in them! |
This is Jane with her new Princess 'big girl' underwear from Nana. She kept coming close to the camera, so I asked her to put her hand on the table and smile. How precious. |
I'm not even sure what type of caption this picture would even warrant...
She proceeded to walk around the house with no pants and her huge rain boots. Very classy. |
Jane found this Cubs dress from the summer and insisted she have it on, even though she had already been dressed for hours. She loves sitting on the hearth and demands someone sit next to her. |
This is my most recent absolute favorite of her! I love her bright eyes and huge smile. |
I can attest to Jane's obsessive-compulsive tendencies...the toilet tissue folding for one. I handed her a folded piece and she shook it out and refolded it before using it. It took a couple of times before I realized, she would not use pre-folded tissue. She also has a list of things that have to happen in order to complete the entire potty experience, including opening the lid, folding the tissue just so, flushing, closing the lid, turning on the faucet and washing her hands (if you turn it one for her, she will point to herself and jabber until you turn it off and let her turn it on. Only then will she wash her hands). And don't forget the treat...she won't let you. She is a hoot! She communicates all of this quite clearly with hand motions, nods, facial expressions, and jabbers. She learned to do 3 different wooden puzzles this weekend at our house. She had never seen them before, but figured them out with a little coaching very quickly. What fun both she and Luke are!