One fun spring and summertime activity we have been enjoying are playdates with my girlfriends and their kiddos. Jane, and Luke now too, have a blast interacting with the other kids, and it's nice to spend some time with my friends as well. In May, we traveled to my friend Angela's house to see her new son, Leo, and also visit with Heather and her daughter Vada. A few weeks ago, we spent some time here in Rochester at my friend Ashley's house with her 2 kids, and my friend Alysha and her son Tyson.
The crew at Angela's house. |
Jane reading to a very interested Vada. |
Angela, Heather, and I. |
Jane trying to give Leo a kiss; apparently he was terrified. |
Jane with her friend Ella. Ella is about 6 weeks younger than Jane. You would have thought that both gals were being punished by the looks on their faces. I promise they had a great time playing together! |
Another stop at Angela's house. Angela and I laugh that Leo could easily be my son, and Jane and Luke could be her children. Funny how genetics work out.... |
I love that Jane is asserting her independence and her style...that walk outfit is a way to say "Hey, I'm into sports, but I also like to keep my girly side handy". I'm impressed. Love the last pic with Angela and Leo. Everybody seems to be smiling!