I cannot believe how quickly babies change! Luke is 8 weeks old today and continues to be a happy, healthy baby - we are so thankful!
Luke loves to be held and snuggled (a rarity in this household) - we have really been working on his eye contact - he's a pro now! :)

This picture is so fun! I had just finished feeding him, put him in Evan's lap, and began to undress him for a bath. I removed his sleeper outfit and his undershirt was up on his chest and his huge belly was hanging over his diaper! The picture doesn't quite capture it, but it was hysterical! I suppose it's time to get some bigger onesies...

"Hey ladies, check me out..."

So serious, and so absolutely adorable

Mommy and Luke. He loves to take in all the action
Oh dear. He's getting cuter by the picture. What a precious little man. And yes, the I-just-ate-and-I-Look-Like-Buddha picture is awesome.