We have been so fortunate, despite nasty weather recently, to have many visitors. Last week we were greeted by our friends John & Alysha, and their new addition Tyson, who was born just 10 days before Luke. We were eager for these future friends to meet and hang out. Well, mainly they just did a lot of sleeping. Then this past Friday began a wonderful whirlwind of visitors, including Aunt Lana on Friday night; my friend Angela who came up from Indianapolis on Saturday; Aunt Leslie, Grandma and Papa on Sunday night; then family friend Ann (accompanied by son AJ and grandson Robert who drove her here in nearly 2 feet of snow!) tonight. We have enjoyed the visits so much, and love introducing Luke to everyone.
Tyson and Luke doing what they do best
The boys all stretched out. Luke was being a bit anti-social
Angela with Jane and Luke. I think Jane was more excited about Ang's iPhone
An adorable pic. And a great shot of this mom-to-be (due in April!) practicing her cuddling skills
Jane was given this adorable raincoat and rain boots from Ann. The picture doesn't even capture how truly precious this whole outfit is.
The fairy princess ready for some splish-splashing!
Jane politely thanking Ann for her new digs
Ann just couldn't get enough of Baby Luke. We can relate!

(As a sidenote: we promise we do not make all our visitors sit on the floor; sometimes it's just easier to be at eye-level with the kiddos, namely Jane.)
I can't believe how much hair Tyson has! So cute to see them together. And Jane's new raingear from Ann...wow! Just wow. Excited to see it in person next week.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to meet my new little nephew next week!