Evan and I were able to bring Jane home from the hospital on Friday! We had to stay an extra day due to her temperature being very low on Thursday morning. We were disappointed at first, but looked at it as an opportunity to get more guidance and assistance from the wonderful nurses who were taking care of us. After keeping her bundled up, and keeping our room at sweltering temperatures, she had a normal temperature on Friday morning and the doctor discharged us.
Evan got us all packed up, including the most important bundle of all! We dressed her in the only outfit that seemed to fit her to keep her warm and tried to nestle her in her carseat, which took about 20 minutes....lots of straps and buttons and openings...Jane was not a fan of being a guinea pig for this!

Jane was a very calm traveler

All settled in!

Have we mentioned that she is tiny?
She looks so cozy in that jumpsuit! I love that everything for babies is soft and fuzzy. Pampering from the get-go.