Saturday, December 19, 2009

You know you're a new grandma when.... allow your son-in-law to convince you to be "swaddled" like your new granddaughter. Yep - Katie, Evan and I convinced Nana to allow us to swaddle her (like a burrito, as Katie would say) just like Jane and take her picture. The pictures didn't turn out quite as we were hoping because we all were laughing so hard that is was difficult to get a good photo. If only we had the video camera going....

(Notice Jane's Power to the People arm - it never goes down!!)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Daddy Time

Evan was really bummed to be heading back to work this week, but he has still managed to get plenty of Jane time! Check it out!
One of my all time favorites - he must have the magic touch - she is OUT!
...and she must have the magic touch as well!

Lounging around

I imagine he will be getting this look when she is around 14 or so

A classic picture - she loves to be stretched out

This picture is so funny for Evan and I - we call this her "Power to the People" pose - as she does it ALL the time, especially after eating. She slowly lifts one arm in the air and leaves it there, we finally had the camera ready to capture this habit of hers.

Grandparents are Great!

Jane is so fortunate to have such loving, supportive, and patient grandparents! Due to a new hospital policy related to the H1N1 flu, only 2 visitors were allowed back into the maternity ward for Jane's entire stay. This was tough for everyone because we all thought we could have visitors and share our newest arrival. Evan and my mom got to see Jane during her stay, but everyone else had to resort to looking at her through the glass of the nursery. The hospital did make an exception for my dad to see Jane for a few hours before he left again for Northern Kentucky and we were so grateful for this. Unfortunately, Evan's parents had to wait until Friday night to get to hold their 3rd granddaughter...but we are hoping it was worth the wait! Thanks also to Aunt Leslie and Aunt Lana for coming to say hello through the glass window! We appreciate everyone's patience as we get acclimated to life at home and keep Jane healthy and doing well.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Jane is enjoying life at home.....

Coming Home

Evan and I were able to bring Jane home from the hospital on Friday! We had to stay an extra day due to her temperature being very low on Thursday morning. We were disappointed at first, but looked at it as an opportunity to get more guidance and assistance from the wonderful nurses who were taking care of us. After keeping her bundled up, and keeping our room at sweltering temperatures, she had a normal temperature on Friday morning and the doctor discharged us.
Evan got us all packed up, including the most important bundle of all! We dressed her in the only outfit that seemed to fit her to keep her warm and tried to nestle her in her carseat, which took about 20 minutes....lots of straps and buttons and openings...Jane was not a fan of being a guinea pig for this!

Jane was a very calm traveler

All settled in!

Have we mentioned that she is tiny?

Happy Birthday Katie!

I woke up this morning and this is what I found. I guess someone was busy during the night!
Happy 23rd Birthday Katie - can't wait to see you this week!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Meet Jane Elizabeth Gottschalk

God blessed us with a 6lb 2 oz baby girl at 2:21pm on Tuesday December 8th - her actual due date! Here are a few pictures we wanted to share - check back often, the camera loves this girl!