Sunday, March 9, 2014

November 2013

I think we have forgotten how fun (and exhausting!) life with a newborn can be!  The older kids cannot seem to get enough of their new "toy" and Evan and I have embraced sleepless nights with the best of them.  We still saw some warm weather in November (barely) and enjoyed getting out of the house some.  Alice and I traveled to NKY to visit with everyone and to allow me to get fitted for my bridesmaid dress for my sister's wedding.  Trying on bridesmaid dress, or any for that matter, 3-weeks post-partum should be illegal, but I had fun nonetheless!  Thanksgiving was especially fun this year as we celebrated my cousin Dustin's 30th birthday!  This was a great time for our most special Dustin and great to see so many of my extended family.  

Now it's time to take a deep breath and brace myself for the insanity that is the holidays and birthday extravaganza of December!

Alice meeting Great-Grandma Kubala for a ladies' luncheon at my mom's

The best part of maternity leave is having Nana on hand to teach us how to make her infamous zucchini bread!

Alice enjoying Nana time at Uncle Joel's condo over Thanksgiving break

Loving her mommy

For those of you that don't know, Jane has a teensy tiny obsession with my sister, Katie.  She wants to be like her in every sense of the word.  Here, she could hardly contain herself "because, Mommy, guess what?!  Aunt Katie and I are BOTH wearing camisoles and skinny jeans.  Can you believe it?!" 

Dustin on his big day, riding in style in a limo!

All the Scheper great-grandkids.  L to R: Avery, Lana, Jane, Alice, Keegan, Karis, Luke

Luke loves reading to Alice.  His mini-Bible is his all-time favorite.

Um, I don't think they knew I was watching them!  They love dancing!

This will absolutely be used as blackmail later in life.  He LOVES these singlet-style jammies.  I had to hide them otherwise he picks them every night. 

A forced Thanksgiving day picture.
