Saturday, July 14, 2012

Easter and April 2012

Terribly embarrassing that it is mid-July and I'm posting Easter pictures, but I suppose better late than never....

Easter morning, looking like a little Kennedy.  This was the phase where she was still learning how to perfect the smile-on-demand

2 out of 4 looking at the camera isn't bad

Mommy and Luke

Half-smile for the ladies

Aunt Leslie and very excited little girl

Again, trying to smile with her Easter basket

Easter Egg Hunt at Mimi's

Luke was very serious about his eggs

Perfect form in egg-hunting

Fabio not realizing I was taking a picture

Papa giving Luke all sorts of life lessons

"This is how you really put out the vibe, Papa"

Just to prove we are alive and well - a very fun night out at the Hope Hospice Gala!

These Pictures Deserve Their Own Post

A Few Statements:
  • I have no idea why he isn't wearing pants.
  • He loves, LOVES, wearing those boots
  • He equally loves looking at DVD cases
  • Apparently we were out of bibs during dinner time.
  • This picture will be blown up to poster-size for his high school graduation party.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

March 2012

A highlight for March was a special trip down to Nky to celebrate my mom's 60th birthday; we also finally took the kids to get their first haircuts.  Terribly embarrassing for me, I know, that Jane was TWO before her first one, but alas, what can you do.  

BEFORE: A little apprehensive about what is looming...
AFTER: Still apprehensive, but with a much better 'do

Luke, however, was highly enjoying himself.  He thought it was some sort of game!

Trying to sneak away....

His body language would indicate he is being hurt in some fashion.  Odd as it is to say, I think he thought it was going to tickle him...

Such a big boy!

Hiding together in Nana's shelves

"I lovers Uncle Joel, even though he nonstop pesters me"

This kid loves to sit in my lap.  I do not complain.

LUKE: "Get me out of here"
KEEGAN: "How's the smile, ladies?"
JANE: "I wonder how I can get Keegan to do what I tell him?"
GRANDPAUL: "Life is good."

Jane "helping" Nana with her birthday gifts


Jane helping herself to the entire ice cream cake.  She simply couldn't believe ice cream and cake all in one!

Jane's new best friend, aka the only other person that would sit and eat more ice cream cake with her straight from the platter.  The arm around the shoulder/back kills me.


January/February Pictures

Finally getting around to posting some pictures!!

"Ah, nice work Jane.  A little to the left, please."

I'm having visions of the little brother from The Christmas Story - "mom, I can't put my arms down...."

"Wow, apparently our mom doesn't believe in (much needed) haircuts". 
Disheveled hair aside, I love this picture of them.

Quite a smile, there Luke.