Monday, March 22, 2010


In the past few weeks, we have noticed some interesting behavior coming from our 3 1/2 month old. At first, she just liked to clench her fists and try to suck on them. However, this practice has evolved into full-on chomping/biting/chewing/sucking on any and everything she can get her hands on. Couple this behavior with lots of drooling, bubble-blowing, tongue-playing and we have come to this conclusion: Jane is beginning to teethe. She doesn't seem unhappy or uncomfortable (yet), but the constant finger chewing and open-mouthed searching for things is becoming very commonplace for us.

Here are some pictures to corroborate our story:

Sometimes it's just one finger...

Frequently it is thumb and index finger together...

Occasionally it is opposite fingers at once...

And of course the tried and true - the entire fist.

We remembered that we had received a vibrating Winnie-the-Pooh teething ring as a shower gift so decided we'd get it out and see how she did with it. Um...she loves it.

Very excited about this

Concentrating and relaxing.

Very upset when it was taken away

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Although we haven't posted in awhile, Evan and I have been busy snapping photos of Jane as she continues to grow. In the spirit of ridiculous outfits, we thought that round 2 should encompass one of our favorite outfits, given to us by my friend Angela. Not only is it an adorable pink and brown color, with built-in ballet slippers, but it is "capped" off with a hat mimicking (spelling?) a giraffe's head. It is absolutely precious and the pictures actually do not quite capture how stinking cute Jane looked in this outfit. Aunt Leslie always seems to be around for these crazy outfits and pictures. Hmmmmm...........