Saturday, September 19, 2009

28 Weeks and Counting

We went for our 28 week appointment last Monday and everything is still going great. Baby G moves ALL the time and I'm finding that sleep is getting more and more challenging. Yes, I know that all the mothers out there are laughing at me thinking that my lack of sleep before the baby comes is nothing compared to what I'm in for after the baby gets here. I like to tell myself this is all just practice.

We will be going back every 2 weeks from here until the big day, but Evan and I are just thankful for a fairly easy pregnancy. If anyone wants to be entertained, just ask Evan and I about our pre-natal classes we have been taking for the last 3 weeks. The humor wouldn't possibly come across on blog so I won't even attempt, but we promise the stories won't disappoint.

Our nursery furniture is slated to arrive sometime this week so that will for sure be a fun project for soon-to-be dad. I promise to post pictures of the nursery as soon as things start to come together. We are headed down to N Ky this weekend for a baby shower thrown by Jamie and I'm really looking forward to seeing all my friends, especially newly engaged Katherine, and soon to be Boston-bound, Laura! Uncle Joey will also be in town from Philly (not attending the shower), so I'm sure some games and laughter will be had as well!

Our Summer In Pictures

We have had a great summer, although it seems that the time just flies right by us! We were busy with home projects, traveling, visitors, etc. Some of the highlights include the annual fishing trip, an extended visit from the Arizona crew, baby showers, weddings, Bahamas vacation, high school reunion, Charleston visit, Labor Day celebrations, etc. Whew! Take a look at what we have been up to the last few months.......

Evan kicked off the summer with his annual fishing trip to Canada with his dad and other family members. Clearly, this year's trip was MORE than successful!

After getting settled back from the trip, Evan and I headed down to N. Ky for the annual Kubalarama 4th of July festivities, which include a 5K race, parade, and LOTS of yummy food!

What a handsome foursome!

We enjoyed an extended visit from the Forman family this summer. The weeks consisted of boat rides, fishing, games, a trip to the dairy, a baby shower, and, again, LOTS of great food! Of course, I didn't get nearly as many pictures as I would have liked, but this one has to be one of the best of all time (and I'm only slightly partial...)!

Evan brought his bathrobe to the shower

A major highlight was our trip to Paradise Island in the Bahamas. It was an amazing vacation and we are ready to go back! Here we are in our very stylish wetsuits for a "playdate" with the dolphins!

Since this was our first "family" vacation, we thought we'd bring something home for Baby G so he/she can remember the trip as well. We made this bear at one of the shops at Atlantis and brought him safely home.

Evan also wanted to bring home his new pet, but I had to put my foot down.

We made another trip back down to N. Ky for my 10 year high school reunion, as well as a baby shower for my sister-in-law Meagan.

The baby shower for Meagan, thrown by myself, mom and future sister-in-law Sarah, was a lot of fun! We are super excited for Keegan to get here! Any day now....

The summer rounded out with a birthday celebration trip to Charleston, SC to visit Katie! My mom and I had a great time just laughing and relaxing. We might have also done some shopping and sunbathing....